Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Style Me.... I give you my fall uniform.

Not much to say other than these are three of my favourite pieces of clothing.  The jeans feel like PJ's (but thankfully don't look it), the shirt is one that always makes me feel like I am walking around in Paris or some other city that is a little more chic than my own.... and the jean jacket was only $7 at Value Village (definitely a piece of thrifting gold, in my opinion). What's not to love!?!  

Jean Jacket: Gap (Value Village)
Shirt: Gap (last fall)
Jeans: Second Denim Co. yoga jean
Shoes: Gap (3 or 4 years ago)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Style Me.... Domestic

So since it is still technically summer... I thought I would share one last summery outfit (not that many on here have been summery.... haha).
Where: making applesauce
Top: Gap (last spring)
Shorts: H&M
Necklace: borrowed from R
Shoes: none??  I never seem to remember to put my shoes on for pictures.... I think I wore my birks.  

This is what I wore for the domestic exercise of making applesauce.  What? Not practical enough? Well, I would have worn my vacuuming skirt and kitten heels with matching pearls and apron.... but I thought that I'd set the bar low.  And that way you'll never be disappointed (sorry, but when I hear the word domestic I think of June Clever.... oh to be that put together).  I love this outfit, it's made up of two of my favourite pieces.  Although, I probably should have rethought the long sleeves as it was stinking hot.  But now I'll know for next time right ;)

This is my husbands favourite of our little photo shoot..... my oh my, what a stunner...haha.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Style Me... Equestrian

So I don't know why I decided to make my first fashion post unfashionable, but I wanted to share one of my favourite things in life with the blogging world and that is horses! Love 'em! This little girl is Kylo and she is beautiful and smart, and this was my first time riding her but I loved her :D .

So I'm such a dork that when I ride I try and wear "classic" equestrian style, but with a twist. So I have the classic breeches and riding gear but then I opted for a neon pink vest and turquoise hoodie, colours that are not usually associated with the equestrian world.

So thanks for bearing with me as I shared my passion with you and I promise that soon I will post a real outfit.

Vest: We are the Superlative Conspiracy
Breeches: Tailored Sportsmen
Half Chaps: Ariat
Boots: Old West
Hoodie: Lululemon

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Style Me... Sweet Applesauce

I try to make as much food as possible from scratch.  I have intolerance's to most preservatives (they can make life quite uncomfortable, tmi? sorry).  So therefore we buy our produce from a local organic farm, and our meat from a local farmer (free range), and I make most of our bread etc... sometimes there isn't time, but I try.

My Parents have two apple trees in their backyard, and in years past they really haven't yielded many apples... but this year they are full of beautiful apples.  So I decided to take full advantage and make us some applesauce.  This is something my mother did growing up, and nothing makes me think of fall more than the smell of cooking apples.

Here are some pictures from the day.

*I learned from my mother after I pealed all the apples that they didn't need to be pealed ...argh... oh well that made the other two batches easier.
*yummy mushy apples (the smell is intoxicating).
*making the apples in to applesauce.
*Bean stirring in a tiny amount of sugar (just to make it less tart).
*My rosy cheeks from standing over a steaming pot of apples.... and it being already humid out... whew... it was hard work but all worth it.  Now we have a few containers of frozen applesauce that can be used for school lunches over this year.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Style Me... Gift Wrapping

Hi There!
I just got back from a really fun weekend of road tripping! Two friends and I drove 13 hours from BC to Alberta to attend our other friends nuptials. We took two hour shifts driving and saw some of God's beautiful creation along
the way.

So I swear I do wear clothes too, but I have another DIY post that I wanted to share. For my friends wedding present I decided I wanted to make the whole thing. So I spent a day making their present (I'm not saying what because I don't want her possibly reading this a finding out before she opens her present) and then I wanted to do a really pretty, unique wrapping job. I'd been seeing some ideas on the net and decided to put them all together, and here is the result.

I used brown parcel paper for the wrapping. I wanted some thing neutral and sort of natural looking.

Then I used antique white ribbon to get
the classic "wrapped present" look.

Finally, I used strips of fabric and hot glue to make cloth rosettes.

And Voila! A vintage-y cute looking gift. It really stood out on the gift table amongst the silver and white of everyone else's presents.

And here is how you make the rosettes:

Cut a 1 1/2 inch wide strip of material out. The strip can be however long you want but the longer it is the bigger your rosette will be!

At one end of the strip fold in half length wise.

Then fold in half once again.

Start rolling the folded end of material, tightly.

Keep rolling it until you have about a finger nail size roll. Then put some hot glue on the material to hold the cloth in place.

Now ready to start twisting the fabric. Wrapping it around the rolled "bud" part and twisting as you go.

Every once in a while put some more glue in to hold it together.

At the end fold the material under the rosette and glue in place to make it look neat and tidy.

And here is what you get! A little flower thingy. You can use it like I did at a gift bow, or add a clip and make it a hair piece.

Style Me... Remebering....

I have a video to share... not only do I love the song, but the video is full of scenery of a place that is by far one of my favourites!  My husband and I spent our honeymoon in Iceland this past summer.... and I can't not wait to go back.... it's beauty is unmatched as are the people.  Many of the places that are shown, we were at.  It makes me miss it.
Bon Iver -- Holocene

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Style Me.... Long Weekend Comfy

mmmm.... Long weekends..... I needed this one bad.  On Saturday, D (my husband) took Bean (our son) to breakfast with the boys (D and his friends try to get together Saturday mornings for breakfast).... this means me time (love).  We then spent the rest of the day finishing the play structure (by we I mean D) that we had bought Bean earlier this summer.  And swimming at my parents.... (so needed, Saturday was beyond humid).

Sunday was a day spent at church and relaxing with D's parents. 
Monday was fall cleaning day and then a great BBQ with some great friends... an awesome way to end an even awesomer weekend, and yes I am borrowing "awesomer"  from my 4 yr old.  

The other great thing about Monday was that it was chilly enough that I could wear a couple of new fall items.  I've been desperate to wear these pants..... which means I was close to wearing them in 30++ (Celsius) degree weather.  And we all know that's not comfortable... lucky for me good sense kicked in.

Where: my backyard
Glasses: Diesel from eons ago
Sweat Shirt: Roots
Cargo's: Roots
Shoes: I wore toms for about 5mins, and was barefoot for the majority of the day
Bracelets: presents from my brother... he brought them back for me from Kenya about 9 yrs ago.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Style Me... more introductions!

Hi! I'm R. I'll also be documenting my style, but I also love to do DIY's so I'll be documenting that as well ;) . I'm currently in university and am studying studio art (part of why I love DIYing is because I have the resources here at school, I don't know too many business students who have access to a table saw :D). My style is a bit different from my sister's, since I'm in school I have a lot more casual outfits than office or dressy outfits. But we also have very similar style because we have a lot of the same clothing items. Also I try and buy most of my cloths used so that changes up my style a bit too. So that''s me!

And here is what I am currently working on for my new apartment I just moved into.

This is a rag rug carpet that I am crocheting! Fun!

I found the idea to use strips of material like this a while back on the net and just recently decided to do it. So far so good.

But a messy process and a long one.

Style Me... Introductions

Oh Hi!

  I'm M. I'm a mother and a wife.  I work part time in a super casual office. I love clothing and love fashion.... but I need a wardrobe that is flexible, and within my budget. This blog is a documentation of my evolving style.  But that's not all.... for the low price of $$$ you don't just get one, but two... my sister will also be documenting her evolving style as well.  So if you see someone on here that looks like me..... but isn't quite the same than it's R.  We're not twins (we're actually 5 years apart) but enough people get us confused.  

Outfit details:
Where: Church
Top: Gap
Skirt: J.Crew
Shoes: Michael Kors
Bracelets: H&M

Earrings: Walmart
I'll let her do her own introductions though....